Well #41 in the Works and to be Unveiled Soon

It’s always a wonderful feeling launch sustainable projects in the community and this month we are more than happy to report the ground breaking of yet another well to a deserving community courtesy of your cherished support. The borehole sinking is currently underway and is completion eminent.

With hundreds of families eager to draw from this life changing well, its strategic positioning was well evaluated and this well is among the most well placed for its service in respect to accessibility. This is our 41st well in our books and we couldn’t be happier to commission it to its beneficiaries.

The bedrock of our water project program is sustainability and safety above all else. With such a gift that keeps giving, the community is guaranteed of convenient and consistent supply of clean water up to lifetime. More will come from far to draw from it and health will be restored back in a society that was so prone to malady.