Wow! God is so Good!

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…-Zechariah 4:10

WOW WOW WOW! All I can say is WOW! God showed He is in charge once again as we had a major need and He stirred in the hearts of many to support it!

I literally sat in awe as I watched a post I shared that had no responses, no donations and no shares turn into one of the most dramatic opportunities for God to show up! I’ll be sharing an update about it all on Facebook soon so I can better explain what’s happened but trust me when I say-do not doubt what God can do when we are faithful to follow his callings on our hearts!

I’m excited to say we will be able to host multiple jigger clinics in the coming weeks as well as repair 3 wells!

For me to have the front row seat to all of this is so encouraging and so I can only hope that you also feel encouraged to know that God is in our work and what we are doing and by supporting us, you are too!

We thank you so much for your ongoing, generous support and pray for all of you and your families! May you all draw closer to Him and be encouraged!


Christa Horst

Give Amore Founding Director